пятница, 7 сентября 2012 г.

5 Top News 2012

Top News 2012
1.       Olympic Games. This year is mentioned by the great event which happens each four years. In 2012 the Olympic Games has happened in London. There were many countries and sportsmen who wanted to be the best in this competition but only the USA could reach the highest place in the standings. People all over the world visited London or watched TV and were busy discussing the main events and medals.
2.       European Football Championship. The 2012 summer was important for people who is interested in sports because except the Olympic Games the European Football Championship has been. The football teams of the best European countries could get into the group stage. Unfortunately, Russia retired from the competition and could not continue the play-off games. Spain has won the main prize for the second time running and become the first country which could achieve such success.
3.       Iphone 5. People who appreciate the products of Apple’s company were waiting for a new gadget – Iphone 5.  It will have some improvements and differences from the previous models. The developers called the official date of world presentation it in San Francisco. After the presentation people in the USA and then all over the world are able to buy these new phones in official Apple Stores.
4.       The USA election. This autumn is a time for speaking about new president in the United States because the fixed period of Baraсk Obama is finishing in the nearest future. The whole world will follow the election in America and wait for the results of it. I wonder if Obama can extend his rule by another 4 years or Mitt Romney start his political program against Russia as a new president.
5.       Pussy Riot. Pussy Riot organized the strange, irrelevance performance in the St. Basil’s Cathedral. The trick of these women is discussing during several month and for this period the world is divided into two teams: people who approve and disapprove their action. Now the women are convict to spend 2 years in the prison, however, many foreign famous people write to our president and ask to make them free.

1 комментарий:

  1. I think, most of the news can be used in your topic/ News 1 and 2 as Sport 2012, News 4 as Elections 2012, either News3 as Science and Technology 2012 or P... Riot as Scandals 2012.
    Mind your grammar ...
    News 5
    Sentence 2
    These women's performance HAS BEEN discussed FOR several months ... while the world HAS BEEN DIVIDED into those who ... OF their action. They are convicted and sentenced to ...
